Asphalt 8 Keyboard Controls

The Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 versions feature different control schemes, including the traditional WASD and the up, down, left, right keyboard scheme. The five star rating system for each race, the use of primary and secondary objectives introduced in Asphalt 6: Adrenaline and also used in Asphalt 7 have all been retained in Asphalt 8. Replied on April 6, 2018. Hi Khalil, An incorrect in-game configuration setting is one of the possible reasons why you can't control the cars in Asphalt 8 using the keyboard. To help you resolve this concern, I need to gather more details. Kindly answer the questions below. One of the biggest names in mobile gaming, Gameloft, has released a new street racing game called Asphalt Street Storm Racing. The game is currently available only for iOS devices, and to give you a brief recap of what this game is about, this is a racing game where you can race against AI drivers in campaign mode, or against human drivers in traditional one-on-one drag races or four-person. Asphalt 8: Airborne is Burnout for your mobile device. Airborne has four control schemes that contain different combinations of motion and touch controls. Three of them will handle acceleration.

Okay so what is this?

Well if you saw the video then I made a way to control almost any game, in this case “Asphalt 8: Airbone” , with just my hand. So if I tilt my hand forward, left, right or back the car in the game with accelerate, turn left, turn right and deaccelerate respectively.

How did I do this?

I simply used a raspberry pi pico with circuit python connected to a mpu6050. The mpu6050 is a module the outputs acceleration and gyroscope. The pico then reads those outputs from the module and makes it usable for controlling a game.

How do you get started?

First here is a list of thing you need:

  • Raspberry pi pico (4USD )
  • Mpu6050 (~2 USD)
  • Jumper Wires

Secondly you need to get circuit python on the Pico. To do that you simply need to download the uf2 provided from the link below, then press the BOOTSEL button and connect your pico to the pc (while pressing it) and copy the uf2 file to the pico and disconnect you pico.

Next you’ll need to connect the mpu6050 to the pico. To do that you will need 4 jumper wires. Connect:

GP15 and GP14 are the last pins on the left side of the raspberry pi pico.

After doing so, connect your pico to your pc (you must have thonny configured)

The code is provided below:

What is basically happening in the code is I am getting raw values from the module mentioned above and converting them using atan2() into inclination. I am used those converted values to get the tilt(foward, left, right or back) and then sending keyboard keys respectively.

Lastly I am using intertia on the Z axis to get the gravity. So if the gravity value increases “nitro” is activated.




What next? Theoretically, we can share the laptop screen to a vr like google cardboard or oculus rift and play asphlat 8 in vr which is controlled by hand. I’ll make an update on it.

iOS + Android

Driving me round the bend

Asphalt 9: Legends has taken the usual control scheme of the series and hidden it away, instead suggesting newbies start off with a two-button method with no direct control over steering.

It's already grinding some fans gears, but here's the thing – the new control scheme is actually really clever, and in some ways better than fiddling around with actual driving.

Don't believe me? That's fine, but here's five reasons why you're wrong, and I'm right, so there.

Want more?Check out our growing collection ofAsphalt 9: Legends features!

Tilt controls are awful

Turn off Asphalt 9's TouchDrive controls for a more 'authentic' experience and you'll be given the ability to tilt your phone to properly manoeuvre your car around corners and smash into your opponents.

But let's be real for a second – tilt controls have never been good. There's no racing game on the planet which has benefitted from having you awkwardly swing your hands about trying to get around the track.

Computer Keyboard Controls

There's no graceful way to steer through motion controls, and you'll just end up slamming into walls, messing up drifts, and generally just having a bad time of things.

So why not scrap that nonsense and break racing down to its core components? Asphalt 9's simple control scheme lets you drift and boost – isn't that all you really need?

You won't miss a thing

You're driving around at breakneck speed, keeping an eye on your opponents, making sure you're hitting the drift right, and wait what was that you just passed?

Oh, it was a sick jump, that would've then sent you flying into an office building, smashing everything in your way into tiny pieces before you leap out the other side in a blaze of glory. And now the race is over. Whoops.

Asphalt 9's simple controls won't let you do that. If there's a sweet ramp or cool diversion ahead, you can quickly swipe to head down that path, or stay the course if you think your current route is faster.

It means you'll never miss out on the cool opportunities from worrying about everything else going on, and you can feel like a badass without then smashing straight into a lamppost and ruining everything.

You still need to pay attention

Watch anyone in a video of their first ever race of Asphalt 9 and you'll notice something – even with TouchDrive enabled, they still won't win the race.


Now you can cry 'they suck at racing games!' as much as you like, but the truth of the matter is that Asphalt 9 won't just let you sit back while it does the racing for you. No, you need to be involved the whole time.

You need to be on deck to drift at the right times, build up that boost meter, and slam the nitro down to get ahead of the competition. Otherwise you're going to find yourself repeating races again and again and again.

Sure, it's not as involved as having to steer the car yourself, but this isn't just a 'win' button – you'll still need to pay attention and act accordingly.

You can fully appreciate the visuals

Have you looked at Asphalt 9? It's bloomin' gorgeous, full of shiny, beautiful cars, bits of said cars flying about everywhere, and more sun-kissed buildings than you can shake a stick at.

You might not notice this stuff if you're too busy focusing on the steering side of things, so you should relish the opportunity to drink in the environments and the wonderful machines that you're razzing about in.

And you're less likely to witness your own car fall to pieces from all the times you've smacked into a wall at full speed, so you can keep that pristine finish all the way to the chequered flag.

It's way cooler than actually driving a car

Asphalt 8 Keyboard Controls Pc

Driving cars in real life is a lot of hard work. You have to indicate when you're turning, gently feed the steering wheel through your hands, keep them at 10 and 2, try not to mount the kerb and endanger pedestrians, blah blah blah.

Imagine if you could just drive about by swiping left and right while something else handles the acceleration and steering? It'd be way less effort on your ankles, and you could focus on the more fun things in driving, like singing along to your tunes or making rude gestures at other motorists.

Asphalt 9 finally lets you live that dream, and if you do happen to demolish someone else's car on the way, you don't have to have lengthy discussions with insurers and your local police. It's a win-win, really.


Gameloft partners with Lamborghini and ESL Italy to host an esports competition for Asphalt 9: Legends
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